
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

This film went on to receive thirteen Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director , Best Actor ,Best Supporting Actress.
 It is a love story.
 But it is not usual.
One man (Benjamin) is 80 years old when he was born.
 And he rejuvenate.
 He fall in love one woman,
but she is getting on.
They cannot stop time....
They are suffering from a sad destiny.


This is an American thllire film.The newly transferred David Mills (Pitt) and the soon-to-retire William Somerset (Freeman) are homicide detectives who become deeply involved in the case of a sadistic serial killer whose meticulously planned murders correspond to the seven deadly sins: gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust, and envy.
 This movie is really scary, but I incline to watch by the end everytime...


The Bourne Identity

This movie is the first one of the Bourne sereiese. 

I love this movie in the seriese!

It is a spy movie.

Mr bourne (Matt) lost his memory.

 He cannot understand who I am

but he know how to kill people.

 And someone trys to kill him

. He is confused.

 He tries to know his identity......


 Money ball

Money ball means the Art of Winning an Unfair Game.  This story was based on a real story.  Its focus is the team's analytical, evidence-based, sabermetric approach to assembling a competitive baseball team, despite Oakland's disadvantaged revenue situation.



 Invictus means 'unconquered'(征服されない)or'unefeated'(無敗の).
 This story is about the friendship between  the first black president of South Aflica, Mandala and a caprtain of one rugby team.  They have Apartheid problem. Mandala trys to change South Aflica with the captain. 




We Bought a Zoo

Matthew Paige Damon's movie. 

This story is based on real story.

A family bought a Zoo! 

They don't have any experiments

but the dad buy it for get better their relationship!

Mr.&Mrs. Smith

They are a couple.  But they have secrets each other. 
What secrets?? If you want to know the secret,  you should watch it!!!

File:Mr and mrs smith poster.jpg